So, *ahem* this is probably NOT good...
I don't know what is wrong with me. But for the past, I don't know... week or whatever, my eyes have been really watery and itchy. Usually later at night, as I get tired. Normally, I rub them, and I wake up and everything's fine. Lately, I've been waking up to a blood shot eye and a little eye snot. This morning, after a really bad itchiness last night, I wake up to TWO bloodshot eyes, and puffy bags down to my cheeks. Seriously, my eyes are so swollen. I don't know what it is, maybe the lack of sleep I've been getting, or maybe it's an allergic reaction. It has to be a developed allergic reaction though, because I've been around the same things...there is nothing new that I've been around for me to be allergic too.
I'm hoping it's just the lack of sleep. Seeing as how I worked all day Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, I was scheduled to work all day today, I have to work all day yesterday and Friday. I didn't think the insane shifts I've been working would have a huge affect on me, but clearly, they have.
Either way, I'm glad I gave my shift to Trafton, I'm probably not going into the daycare today, and I'm going to have to call Shari and/or Krystyna and let them know that if my eyes haven't calmed down by 1030 or so, I won't be going into the Mount with them today, based on the fact that I look like a freakin' zombie.
At 6:52 AM,
Jody said…
Oh boy, I hope you are not allergic to DAISY all of a sudden!
Take some Benadryl or something. Ironically enough, I had one bloodshot and weepy eye on Saturday just in time for the recetpion - turns out it was conjuctuvitis (prob. not spelt right but bah... whatever - that was my problem and it was easily solved with eye drops!)
At 11:49 AM,
Tawny said…
Get it. Use It. Live It.
(Your eyes will thank you :).
At 11:58 AM,
Fern Wimpley said…
Tawn, you sound like a walking ad.
At 10:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
haha I agree, reactin and alegra are awesome ;) *speaks from experience*
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