Monday, February 27, 2006

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

I'm neither in this case. I don't like these meme things. There is no one left to tag, but I'll do it anyways :)

4 Job's I've Had: Daycare worker, Babysitter, House/Dog sitter, Dog walker

4 Movies I Could Watch Over and Over: Notting Hill, Pulp Fiction, The Wedding Date, When Harry Met Sally

4 Places I Have Lived: Beaver Bank, Beaver Bank, Beaver Bank, and Beaver Bank.

4 Albums I Can't Hear Too Often: In Between Dreams - Jack Johnson, Hang on Little Tomato - Pink Martini :), Wikked Lil Grrls - Esthero, Music By Cavelight - Blockhead

4 Places I Have Vacationed: Toronto :), Las Vegas, England, Scotland,

4 TV Shows I Love: Survivor, The Amazing Race, Law & Order SVU, Close to Home

4 Of My Favorite Foods: Butter Chicken :), Pizza, Ceasar Salad, Popcorn

4 Websites I Visit Daily: My blog list,,,

4 Places I'd Rather Be Right Now: in bed, at Tawny's, at Jody's, at Blue Mountain :)

4 People I am tagging: everyone has already been tagged...except Taylor and Geo but they won't reveal their blog addresses :(

Jetsetter? Maybe. Love it? Definitely.
I've been home from Toronto for two days, and already I miss it. Talking to Tawny I mentioned how cool it would be if I went up over the summer and then again for New Year's and she said I was going to have to work 24/7 to support my jetsetting livestyle. Perhaps that is correct, but it's true. Although I know that it's Tawny and Taylor's life I experience when up there - their friends and their house, I'm always welcomed and involved in everything. It seems as though people go out of their way to include me, and I have to say it makes me feel pretty special. Someone mentioned while I was there that a week is a long time for me to be there. I think back to my first summer when I was there for 2 weeks, my second summer when I was there for 3. Then I think about shorter trips like Labour Day weekend, consiting of 5 days. Maybe it was because I was there longer than I have been on my more recent trips, but I was a little upset when saying my goodbyes on friday. I'm already anticipating another trip up there.

I had more to write about, but I'm exhausted, I can't remember, and I have my stupid physiology lecture at 9 am which means I have to wake up at 630. Can you say disgusting??


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